5 things you must do first for SEO to improve your website quality

1. Avoid broken links
Avoiding broken links is one of the important steps to improve the quality of content. Broken links often bring negative user experience and bad records to the search engine. Therefore, comprehensive testing should be carried out periodically to ensure that all external links to the site are still valid.
2. Include Text Link/Anchor Text
Text Link (Anchor Text) is the text description of an URL link. When the user clicks on the link, it will open and display the page you link to . Text links play a very crucial role in search engine optimization, hence optimizing text links is a very good way to get good website quality.
In general, Text Link is used as an external link, to enrich the page contents. When user continue reading through various external articles provided by the Text Links, this will greatly improve the crawling frequency of the page. The retention rate of the page can earn good user experience as well.
3. Apply Long Tail Keyword
As we can imagine, the main target keywords play an important role in SEO. However it is not practical to insert the target keywords to all content that are SEO. Therefore the long tail keyword is generated as an extension of main target keywords, to serve this purpose. Examples are “SEO features”, “Applying SEO”, “SEO Package” which can be used as Classification, or Category and form part of the architecture of the entire website.